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Scanamo uses the DynamoFormat type class to define how to read and write different types to DynamoDB.

Many common types have a DynamoFormat provided by Scanamo. For a full list see of those supported, you can look at the companion object.

Scanamo also supports automatically deriving formats for case classes and sealed trait families where all the contained types have a defined or derivable DynamoFormat.

Automatic Derivation

Scanamo can automatically derive DynamoFormat for case classes (as long as all its members can also be derived). Ex:

import org.scanamo._

case class Farm(animals: List[String])
case class Farmer(name: String, age: Long, farm: Farm)

val table = Table[Farmer]("farmer")
Farmer("McDonald", 156L, Farm(List("sheep", "cow"))),
Farmer("Boggis", 43L, Farm(List("chicken")))

Semi-automatic Derivation

Scanamo offers a convenient way (semi-automatic) to derive DynamoFormat in your code. Ex:

import org.scanamo._
import org.scanamo.generic.semiauto._

case class Farm(animals: List[String])
case class Farmer(name: String, age: Long, farm: Farm)

implicit val formatFarm: DynamoFormat[Farm] = deriveDynamoFormat
implicit val formatFarmer: DynamoFormat[Farmer] = deriveDynamoFormat

Custom Formats

It's also possible to define a serialisation format for types which Scanamo doesn't already support and can't derive. Normally this involves using the DynamoFormat.xmap or DynamoFormat.coercedXmap to translate between the type and one Scanamo does already know about.

For example, to store Joda DateTime objects as ISO Strings in Dynamo:

import org.joda.time._
import org.scanamo._

case class Foo(dateTime: DateTime)

val client = LocalDynamoDB.syncClient()
// client: =
val scanamo = Scanamo(client)
// scanamo: Scanamo = org.scanamo.Scanamo@7719f56d

LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("foo")("dateTime" -> S)
// res3: = CreateTableResponse(TableDescription=TableDescription(AttributeDefinitions=[AttributeDefinition(AttributeName=dateTime, AttributeType=S)], TableName=foo, KeySchema=[KeySchemaElement(AttributeName=dateTime, KeyType=HASH)], TableStatus=ACTIVE, CreationDateTime=2024-04-01T06:25:54.769Z, ProvisionedThroughput=ProvisionedThroughputDescription(LastIncreaseDateTime=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, LastDecreaseDateTime=1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, NumberOfDecreasesToday=0, ReadCapacityUnits=1, WriteCapacityUnits=1), TableSizeBytes=0, ItemCount=0, TableArn=arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:000000000000:table/foo, DeletionProtectionEnabled=false))

implicit val jodaStringFormat = DynamoFormat.coercedXmap[DateTime, String, IllegalArgumentException](
// jodaStringFormat: DynamoFormat[DateTime] = org.scanamo.DynamoFormat$$anon$4@5ed67614

val fooTable = Table[Foo]("foo")
// fooTable: Table[Foo] = Table("foo")

scanamo.exec {
for {
_ <- fooTable.put(Foo(new DateTime(0)))
results <- fooTable.scan()
} yield results
// res4: List[Either[DynamoReadError, Foo]] = List(
// Right(Foo(1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z))
// )

Formats for Refined Types

Scanamo supports Scala refined types via the scanamo-refined module, helping you to define custom formats for types built using the predicates provided by the refined project. Refined types give an extra layer of type safety to our programs making the compilation fail when we try to assign wrong values to them.

To use them in your project you will need to include the dependency in your project:

libraryDependencies += "org.scanamo" %% "scanamo-refined" % "x.y.z"

And then import the support for refined types and define your model:

import org.scanamo._
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._

val client = LocalDynamoDB.syncClient()
val scanamo = Scanamo(client)

type PosInt = Int Refined Positive

case class Customer(age: PosInt)

LocalDynamoDB.createTable(client)("Customer")("age" -> N)

You just now use it like if the type PosInt was natively supported by scanamo:

import org.scanamo.refined._

val customerTable = Table[Customer]("Customer")
// customerTable: Table[Customer] = Table("Customer")
scanamo.exec {
for {
_ <- customerTable.put(Customer(67))
results <- customerTable.scan()
} yield results
// res7: List[Either[DynamoReadError, Customer]] = List(Right(Customer(67)))

Derived Formats

Scanamo uses magnolia and implicit derivation to automatically derive DynamoFormats for case classes and sealed trait families. You may also see or hear sealed trait families referred to as Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) and co-products. Here is an example that could be used to support event sourcing (assuming a table with a partition key of id and sort key seqNo):

import java.util.UUID

import org.scanamo._

// Sealed trait family for events.
sealed trait Event
case class Create(name: String) extends Event
case class Delete(reason: String) extends Event

// An event envelope that wraps events.
case class EventEnvelope(id: UUID, seqNo: Int, event: Event)

// Example instantiations.
val id = UUID.fromString("9e5fd6e9-65ef-472c-ad89-e5fe658f14c6")
val create = EventEnvelope(id, 0, Create("Something"))
val delete = EventEnvelope(id, 1, Delete("Oops"))
import org.scanamo._

val attributeValue = DynamoFormat[EventEnvelope].write(create)
// attributeValue: DynamoValue = DynObject(
// Pure(
// Map(
// "event" -> DynObject(
// Pure(
// Map(
// "Create" -> DynObject(Pure(Map("name" -> DynString("Something"))))
// )
// )
// ),
// "seqNo" -> DynNum("0"),
// "id" -> DynString("9e5fd6e9-65ef-472c-ad89-e5fe658f14c6")
// )
// )
// )

val dynamoRecord = DynamoFormat[EventEnvelope].read(attributeValue)
// dynamoRecord: Either[DynamoReadError, EventEnvelope] = Right(
// EventEnvelope(9e5fd6e9-65ef-472c-ad89-e5fe658f14c6, 0, Create("Something"))
// )

If you look carefully at the attribute value (pretty-printed below) then you can see that the envelope (or wrapper) is necessary. This is because Scanamo writes the sealed trait family and associated case classes into a map. This allows Scanamo to use the map key to disambiguate between the sub-classes when reading attribute values. This makes sense and works well for most use cases, but it does mean you cannot persist an sealed trait family directly (i.e. without an envelope or wrapper) using automatic derivation because partition keys do not support maps.

Here is the pretty-printed attribute value that Scanamo generates:

"M": {
"seqNo": {
"N": 0
"id": {
"S": "9e5fd6e9-65ef-472c-ad89-e5fe658f14c6"
"event": {
"M": {
"Create": {
"M": {
"S": "Something"